Before you can get started in your venture to make some extra easy cash online you should understand a little bit about how domain-names and web hosting works. I will also talk about free hosting solutions which you can use and are perfectly OK to help you start off without having to pay for domains and hosting.
In this article I'm going to be talking about the pro's and con's of both Shared Web Hosting and dedicated web hosting packages. By the end of the article you should have some idea what your online business needs now and what it will need when it expands.
Databases are used by websites that run things like forums, message boards and shopping carts. Any site where you can register an account will have some form of database. Generally one database is used per website function. Not all Shared Web Hosting UK hosts offer databases as standard and often charge extra for the facility. More is always better when it comes to selecting your provider.
Even with high traffic loads, the system will be faster as there is no other website on the server to add on to the server load. This will leave the users and the visitors of the website happy and content. Now, visitors do not have to wait for images or content to upload. Things will be fast and instant on the website. This will attarct more visitors and hits as there is no speed barrier now.
To find the right Affordable Web Hosting, you need to find that custom fit. Forget about signing up with a host who offers you extra services and add-ons you won't need. Here's a quick run down on what you will absolutely need to have no matter which host you choose.
The second thing that you should not overlook is customer support. You are of great likely need to get help from their technical staff here and there. One of the main thing to be noted here is that you should make sure your web hosting provider will going to provide you support by email or by phone or by live-chat 24/7.
I can't stress this enough, with an established online business your most precious asset is your domain name. Don't risk your business for the sake of saving a few dollars!